Thursday, April 29, 2010

super kawaii

For whatever reason, I have a low key obsession with harajuku girls.

Whats not to love about harajuku girls? This may seem completely random, but I was playing "Harajuku girls" by Gwen Steffani and it reminded me of how bizarre their under ground culture really is. They wear the strangest outfits and getaway  with it, like how sistahhs get away with purple weaves, metallic gold high tops and apple bottom jeans. Honestly, could you imagine wearing purple cloud socks with a pink tutu with green leg warmers and a white wig  on a daily basis?! How fun! Like Gwen says, "they're so distinctive, like DNA, like nothing i've ever see in the USA." Their language of their clothing is so creative and unique. I would LOVE to be in the Tokyo scene just to be a harjuku girl!

God, I miss that face :) My family and I always joke around saying that my dog, Gidget, should be a harajuku girl. Why, you ask? Simply because she is our little Asian pup. She has the typically flat face, she reads and writes in Chinese (although harajuku is Japanese), she is very smart and studious and she even barks with an accent. We call her hara-gidgy girl! The only problem is that she doesnt like playing dress us, but I feel like she will catch on one of these days!..

"Style is style
Fashion is fashion
Girl, you got style."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Thizzz is me..

aimlessly speaking for my own good

With the inspriartion from my dearest Caitlin Martini, I am officially a blogger!
"Your first post is crucial"- Caitlin

hurrr we go...

Today as I stood in the stand up tanning booth with the radio blaring I realized I needed to entertain myself for the next 12 minutes. If any of you have been in a stand up booth you know that it is an enclosed cage with bright lights glowing all around you. So as pop songs played on the radio, I began dancing and pretended that I was a go-go cage dancer, no big deal.. that only lasted a few minutes before I realized how lame I really am!

When "Party in the USA" came on the radio, it brought me back to when I lived in Parker House and got woken up daily by that song coming from Delta Chi, the frat next door. So with Parker House on my mind, I reminisced on memories I had with the girls in that dorm. Which then led to me doing some deep thinking about friendships and relationship in general, with my time remaining in the tanning booth.

I have always believed that friendships and relationships are strictly based on geography. For example, I am friends with college friends now because 1. we all lived in the same dorm 2. we happen to be at the same place at the same time and 3. we are friends of friends we met in the dorm, party, ECT. 

But if you think about it, those friends you've made are not someone you'd typically hang out with, but your friends because of your geography and they are there at that moment. For the longest time I have held true to this because with geographical changes, like moving dorms, friendships you had before have now grown apart and you have made new friends.

keep in mind, I'm still in the tanning booth..

With two weeks shy of completing my freshman year in Arizona I have finally realized that way of thinking is very narrow minded because there are many proven factors against this hypothesis. 

The best example would be all my Temecula girl friends. Yes, I have moved away for college, as well as a few of the other girls,  but we all stay in contact and don’t let the geographical distance come between us or allow us to grow apart! If anything, I believe that we have all grown closer and don’t take for granted the moments we all have together. 

my 12 minutes are up and im nice and bronzed..

I walked back to my dorm I relized how luck I am to have know most of these girls since I was in elementary school and to this day I consider them my best friends! I am absolutely bless to have them in my life and could not imagine life without them. CLICHE, I know, but there is no other way to describe it! And I truely think that all of our differences just compliment one another, which has made our group of girls friends such a tight pack. I LOVE you and miss you all everyday I'm in AZ, and I cannot wait to spend this entire summer with you all!

a state apart, but close at heart..
and so it is..